August 2023 (242 Words, 2 Minutes)
Whenever I get the urge to post something creative of mine I jump to the self-conscious feeling of not wanting to be quirky. Which I end up associating with negative/undesirable behavior. The fashion model wearing a garbage bag as she strides down the runway, an artist indiscriminately splashing paint across the canvas, the girl in English class constantly interrupting class conversations with tangents, the clarinetist in the band room early in the morning practicing the complex Bach partita. The person launches off conversations by asking you by what method you would commit suicide.
Attention Seekers. Weirdos. Tryhards.
Admittedly I myself have found myself taken in to amusing conversations mocking these types of people [there I am labeling us whilst excluding myself] between friends, guffawing and chortling, the stupidity of it all. A part of me inside is screaming silently.
A classmate of mine once told me. “You aren’t as important as you think you are” Maybe its time I took those words to heart.
But I digress,
There is a purpose to this blog! This blog is an extension of my journal. It is for me to express the part of myself which I usually keep hidden away from others. Its a part of me that desperately wants to interact with others, yet when given the chance, is unable to express clearly for the lack of practice. The part that was buried in libraries for a whole summer, the romanticist, the part with an embarrassing obsession with anime. This is the first step.
Another first step of this is for me to simply practice working on my writing abilities. Writing is something I enjoy in a nonacademic setting, and I simply do not have practice with doing so. Writing was the profession I wanted when I was a kindergartner, and now, 13 years later, long after I had given it up, I feel that I might as well reignite the flame.
For the ones still reading, here’s a snapshot of what you can expect to be posted.
- Longer form essays of media I’ve consumed (books, TV, movies) which have particularly moved me in some sort of way
- Reflective moments of my life which I feel worth sharing
- Praises and flushing out the objects/people/movements that inspire me, and how I feel their lessons can help other as well.
- Creative stories. I have had some of the most wonderous dreams, and I’d love to flush out the worlds I have created in my head into adventures and fantasies for people to enjoy.